Terms of Service

By commissioning me you accept my terms of service, please make sure to read it all through

General Terms

  • I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason

  • My commissions are digital goods only

  • I have the right to publish my commissions on my social medias and use them as examples of my work

  • I require a reference for all commission types

  • Turn-around time is about 1-2 weeks

Commission Process

  • DM me (Instagram\Twitter)

  • Discuss needs

  • Payment

  • Approve sketch

  • Get your artwork

Errors and Changes to Commissions

  • You will be sent a sketch of your piece before major linework and coloring is started. Please request all major changes in this sketch stage.

  • Errors on my end will be fixed with no fee


  • I reserve all rights to my artwork.

  • Client may post their commission wherever they want, credit is appreciated

  • My commissions are for personal use only

  • No work by PeachLigress may be used in any blockchain related technology. This includes NFTs cryptocurrency, and related future technologies.

Will Do List

  • Furry

  • Pets

  • Light gore (bruises, cuts)

Will Not Do List

  • NSFW

  • Heavy gore or torture content

  • Fetish art

  • Heavy armor or mech

  • Humans